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Last updated
A: Initially, ensure you're utilizing distinct API tokens for each Jira Instance and entering the correct email addresses for authentication in Power BI. If the error persists before even reaching the authentication stage, it may be necessary to reset permissions and establish new connections from scratch. For comprehensive guidance on how to accomplish this, please visit our dedicated Tips and Tricks page.
A: Outdated data in your Power BI reports, coupled with reduced performance, is likely due to accumulated cache files. Clearing the cache should resolve this issue. For detailed instructions on how to clear the cache, please refer to our dedicated Tips and Tricks page.
If you've had the chance to use the BI Exporter for Jira app, we'd love to hear your thoughts. Help us improve by sharing your honest review of the Free, PRO, Xray or Projectrak versions. Your feedback is crucial as we strive to improve and tailor our services to better meet your needs. 🤝
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A: Users may experience this error if they have included fields in their data source that are exclusive to the paid versions of the Data Processor app, identified by 'stars' signs (e.g., Available only for PRO version or Available only for Data Processor for Xray). This problem usually arises if the license for these paid add-ons has expired or if such a plugin has been uninstalled from your Jira instance.